So we're getting close to the revue now, and guess what?
- I think we're ready, and it's going to be so good.
To day we're all tierd, and it going to be an early night.
But tomorrow will be great!!!
I can't wait! :)
fredag 29. februar 2008
Tomorrow is the day!
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Ida :)
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torsdag 28. februar 2008
onsdag 27. februar 2008
Our revue!
This weekend we are glad to present our revue, Russ 08's "Dvale i Bale.
We are working really hard as we speak (or I write) and I think the results will be awsome!
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Ida :)
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mandag 25. februar 2008
Oh, By the way!
Some time soon I'll publish some pictures from the winterbreak and other happenings.
So hang in there, okey!! ;)
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Ida :)
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I'm back..
So after driving all day we finaly came to the place we've been missing for over a week now, in other words; We are now back at Sygna.
I met Peder in Oslo with his parents and then he and I got in my red car and started our trip back to Sygna, everthing went our way and the mountain was open. So the road was all clear for us, and we used less time than we normaly do. Goody! :)
So a little summary from my winterbreak:
- Visit to Bull's house
- Visit to Frogner's house
- Skiing with my family
- Sleeping
- Eating
- Laughing
- And so on...
This week is going to be really busy, in 5 days we are going to have our revue and we are going to bleed and sweat for that!! :)
So to you ALL;
Wish us luck!!!!
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Ida :)
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onsdag 20. februar 2008
Low activity...
I'm sorry that there's very little happening here for the moment, I home at a winterbreak and I don't have a lot of internet here.
But until now I haven't been doing too much, I've been driving around and meeting people from school and friends here at home.
To day I got home from Peder, and yesterday me and Lena went to visit Sigve and his family.
So it's been a nice and calm vacation so fare...
Tomorrow I'm going to ski with my family, and I can't wait to try out my new glasses. :)
Have a nice vacation everybody! :)
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Ida :)
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onsdag 13. februar 2008
College in USA it is :)
Well, I guess it's time to tell you all that I got in to the college in South Dakota!! :D
So fall 2008 I'm moving to Souix Falls, and I can't wait...
This is really a dream coming true :)
Ha a nice day, everyone!
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Ida :)
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søndag 10. februar 2008
Last week before vacation :D
The week that lies a head of us is going to be a hard one, a lot to do at school and we are also working on our revue and the graduatepaper. (It's a newspaper from our 3 years at Sygna)
But Friday I'm going home, and I can't wait.
This holiday I'm just going to sleep, I don't think I've ever been this tired.
Back home I have a ful house waiting, my littlebrother and littlesister are going to spend their holiday with me. That will be great.
So now it's time to give it all, before it's vacation.
Wish me luck with my stressful week! :)
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Ida :)
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fredag 8. februar 2008
There's something very wrong in that sentence, in the headline.
This Saturday, in other words tomorrow; we're going to school.
My holy Saturday is taken away from me, Saturday is my wash- and sleepday.
The one day in a week where we can relax, and we have to go to school.
Well, I guess it's not that horrible and we will probably get through it - but still.
So that's todays news, and for all of you guys home;
See you all next Friday!
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Ida :)
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torsdag 7. februar 2008
Do I get in to Augustana, or not?
Well, now I've started to wonder...
What if I don't get in, what do I do then??
After a while thinking about whether I want to go to USA or not, well I figured that I really want to go. So now I'm just worried about getting in, cause if I don't get in then I don't quite know where I want to go...
But in a week or so I'll know, so I'll let you know how it goes :)
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Ida :)
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mandag 4. februar 2008
Forandring fryder ;)
Idag har jeg benyttet meg av en form for russeservice, nemlig hårklipp for 50kr.
Irene Bø klippet meg og jeg ble svært fornøyd, tror nesten jeg trengte en forandring :)
Bare nevner at det lønner seg på mange måter å la Irene klippe deg!!
Her er et par bilder av min nye sveis:
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Ida :)
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fredag 1. februar 2008
I morgen reiser vi ca 30stk til Saurdalen for å ake og stå på ski.
Gleder meg villt!!
Endelig blir det kakao og kvikklunsj i snøen på meg også :)
Idag har det forresten vært sinnsykt bra vær her, skikkelig herlig å være ute i fint vær !!
Bilder fra turen kommer i løpet av de neste dagene.
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Ida :)
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