søndag 10. februar 2008

Last week before vacation :D

The week that lies a head of us is going to be a hard one, a lot to do at school and we are also working on our revue and the graduatepaper. (It's a newspaper from our 3 years at Sygna)
But Friday I'm going home, and I can't wait.
This holiday I'm just going to sleep, I don't think I've ever been this tired.
Back home I have a ful house waiting, my littlebrother and littlesister are going to spend their holiday with me. That will be great.

So now it's time to give it all, before it's vacation.

Wish me luck with my stressful week! :)

2 kommentarer:

sirBull sa...

Lykke til! Gleder meg til å se revyen deres. Og lover å lukke munn hvis jeg finner noe jeg ikke liker :P hehehe

sirBull sa...

Fett at du kom inn i selveste USA da!! Fancy! Men LITT langt borte da... :( Enda en grunn for Torgeir å reise til statene i påska ;) Lenge leve skype btw! :P