Well, again its been a long time since the last time ;)
That could be because I've been away from my computer a little while, but I'll try to do better in the future!
To day I got the theme for my mock exam tomorrow, so now I'm going to work on that the rest of the day! :)
Later guys! ;)
tirsdag 15. april 2008
Another exam coming up... (mock exam)
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Ida :)
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mandag 7. april 2008
Another week is started...
Well, it's just another week. But this week will be a good one!
Today I'll play volleyball again, its been a long time since I've played now so I'm looking forward to it. After volleyball I might take walk in the mountains, its so nice this time of the year.
Tomorrow its schools activityday, so we're going up to Klukkshaug. (One of the many mountains here;)
And Wednesday me and Anne Maren are going to Førde, SHOPPING! Because everybody else at school is busy with a big test, in Norwegian called: Tentamen :)
But Anne Maren and I we're smart enough to take the class a year earlier ;)
(so shopping it is!)
Thursday I might relax and read my book or something in that direction.
Friday and the rest of the weekend I'm going to travel around in Norway singing with the choir.
So thats my week, and I like how it looks.
So whats your plans? ;)
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Ida :)
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fredag 4. april 2008
If you didn't guess....
.... I'm home!
Haha, sorry. It's a really long time ago and thats because I've been traveling from The United States of America to Norway. And to go back to Norwegian time, I'll tell you; that was hard!
So I just wanted you guys to know that I'm still alive, and I'm fine.. :)
I'll try to publish some more pictures from my vacation some time soon, so that you'll have some more to be jealous about ;)
So anyway, thats me. Whats up with you guys??
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Ida :)
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