søndag 23. mars 2008

The last week in Virginia

Well I guess its time for an update, and I'm not gonna lie to you, this will be a short one ;)

So I thought I would show you some pictures, cause that might say more than words.

(and I don't have time to write so much cause we're leaving to Florida in a bit)

And now my blog don't want to listen to me any more so I'm not going to write more today;)

søndag 16. mars 2008


To day we went to church, and here it's a lot different than back home. It's more alive and more music. It was fun to see how it "works" here and it was nice, and the church was anything but empty- cause it was a lot of people there.

So when we got home we played some music, playstation 3 and guitarhero with band. It is great fun, even for adults ;)
After a while playing we figured that today would be a nice day to work out a little,so I went running on the beach and the rest of guys stayed home working out in the garage.
And now everybody's showering (something I should do soon too) and then we are all going out to dinner.
More updates to come :)

Could you find a better place to run than this?

fredag 14. mars 2008

We're here! :)

So we finaly got to Virginia, after a lot of hours traveling. First to Amsterdam, then to Washington and at least to Virginia Beach. At the Airport in Amsterdam and Washington we got so many wierd qustions before we could enter the plane or even enter The United States of America. Qustions like;
- Whats your history? (me and Lena)
- Why didn't you take plane from Washington to Norfolk? (Virginia) Why didn't we?? ;)
- Have you been to a farm lately?
- And so on, all this wierd questions that somehow didn't matter to the one's asking.

And when we got to Washington we met Raymond (As in Lena's olderbrother and not from Everbody loves Raymond)
Then we had a roadtrip for about 3 or 4 hours from Washongton to Virginia Beach, we're still pretty confused about the timedifference but we're having great fun!

And America is a nice place to visit, I must say! ;)

Some more updates about what we're up to are soon to come ;)

Here are some pictures from the trip:

Two tired but still excited girls at Gardermoen

After being an hour late we got to Amsterdam

More awake and ready for the last 8 hours to Washington

On our way to Virginia, from the Airport. (Dulles)

We had to get more gas, Raymond fixed it.... ;)

..And we got to take a picture! (Lucky us)

And at last, VIRGINIA BEACH :D

onsdag 12. mars 2008


I must say I laugh when I saw this one...
Maybe a modern way to talk about Jesus, who knows?

fredag 7. mars 2008

A weekend for homework...

This weekend will most likely be filled with homework, it's really much to do at school theese days. Often because it all comes at the same time, this time it's about three or four professions at the same time.
It's pretty much stress, but I'm just thinking that in about 5 days I'll be on my way to a warm and sunny place where I can relax and think about everything else but homework! :)
I'm so ready to relax and don't worry about so much.
A lot of students are going away this weekend so it will very quiet here, I guess that's okey since I'm going to do schoolwork anyways..
Have a lovely weekend folks! ;)

mandag 3. mars 2008

Magnus is sleeping again...

Well, what can I say....
I think this picture speaks for it's self, but our lessons sems to be more boring than some people can handle. I guess thats why they all fall asleep.
And Magnus obviously does not like history ;)

10 days left...

I'm sitting in class and dreaming away, soon I'm going to the US of A.

I'm going to USA with my roomie Lena in about 10 days, first we're going to Virginia and then we're going to spend one week in Florida.
Lena's olderbrother is meeting us at the airport in Washington DC and he's going to look after us for over two weeks.

We have lots of plans, and here's some of them:
- Disney World (Florida)
- Get much sun (Virginia beach)
- Shop!! (New York, perhaps)
- See a lot of USA
- Do exciting things
- And so on....

Here's some pictures to give you a taste of what's waiting for us in 10 days... ;)

Virginia beach :)

Disney World :)
