So we finaly got to Virginia, after a lot of hours traveling. First to Amsterdam, then to Washington and at least to Virginia Beach. At the Airport in Amsterdam and Washington we got so many wierd qustions before we could enter the plane or even enter The United States of America. Qustions like;
- Whats your history? (me and Lena)
- Why didn't you take plane from Washington to Norfolk? (Virginia) Why didn't we?? ;)
- Have you been to a farm lately?
- And so on, all this wierd questions that somehow didn't matter to the one's asking.
And when we got to Washington we met Raymond (As in Lena's olderbrother and not from Everbody loves Raymond)
Then we had a roadtrip for about 3 or 4 hours from Washongton to Virginia Beach, we're still pretty confused about the timedifference but we're having great fun!
And America is a nice place to visit, I must say! ;)
Some more updates about what we're up to are soon to come ;)
Here are some pictures from the trip:
Two tired but still excited girls at Gardermoen
After being an hour late we got to Amsterdam
More awake and ready for the last 8 hours to Washington
On our way to Virginia, from the Airport. (Dulles)
We had to get more gas, Raymond fixed it.... ;)
..And we got to take a picture! (Lucky us)
And at last, VIRGINIA BEACH :D
fredag 14. mars 2008
We're here! :)
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1 kommentar:
Å herlighet!! Dåkke e så heldige!! Eg og vil til USA!! ;) Du kan være heilt sikker på at eg kjeme på besøk når du flytta dit;)
Skal prøve å få oppdatert i løpet av ferien...har liksom ikkje vore så masse å skrive om i det siste:P
Kom heim i går egentlig ikkje så super gira på å reise heim no..har jo nettop vore det va godt då:) Her e knall blå himmel, sol og 3 grader i dag:) Fint!!
Hehe...Peder såg bildet på oppslagstavla..:P Han meinte vi hadde lite å finne på, men han hadde ikkje nåke i mot en egen "fan-klubb" som han kalte det, så han lot det henge!! :P Men han har ikkje sett dei andre då:)
Du må kose deg MASSE!! Hels Lena:) Gleda meg til å sjå deg igjen, og sjå masse bilder:)
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